I Am Not Ashamed


I Am Not Ashamed

Luke 9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.

     No, not of that Man.  I will not shrink back into a hole embarrassed because my peers look upon me with disbelief.  What is genuine will be shown.  Want to know what makes this man tick?  Listen to the words of his mouth then watch the action of his hands.  I will not be ashamed.  Not after what He has done for me.

     Do I have to rehearse to feel it again?  I picture a cross and a bloody piece of meat staked to it.  If I cannot identify with that, I fool myself.  I know the wickedness inside me and how my Savior liberated me to be another, another like Him.

     Peace on the home front.  Respect in the workplace.  The capacity to show compassion to my fellow man gives me fulfillment when I act upon it.

      Ashamed?  No.  This is the path to Life.  Righteousness about me as a hedge.  We grow.  He prunes.  Wisdom cries aloud and I heard her.  In fact, I invited her to dine with me on a regular basis.  Nestled between the pages, she does not come to force but to suggest.  He lifts understanding from passages transcending my intimacy with Him past today’s grind.

     So, I will speak Him…into the air in the presence of my ears.

     Romans?  Ephesians?  What power will I declare from my living room seat today?  The good King James provides an eloquent reading fit for the stage.

     I am not ashamed to base my reasoning and frame of reality on past revelations.  The Bible is the sole foundation for this man.  It is proven in the marketplace, in the church, and in the home.



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