


1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. 

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) of 1938

The FDA established regulations for nutrition labeling in 1973. 

The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990

     I confess to be a nutrition label reader.  Right there in the bread aisle, I’m in a frozen stance wondering what the chemicals will do to me.  Approved by a governmental authority for this food substance to enter my body, I trust? 

     America would not have its citizens be ignorant.  Furnished with info to make logical decisions, we grab from the shelf and throw them in our trunks.  Home finds groceries to the counter and into the fridge.  At mealtimes, we assemble as in a chem lab.  Great synthesizers, we combine ingredients to cook up, lasagna?

      After shoving foods down the stack, our stomachs wonder in disbelief.  It is commanded to ramp up acid breaking down complex molecules into blood friendly substances to be distributed abroad.  It has no say so.  A simple cooker renders our delightful combinations into a gray slurry.  Everything is considered game until these manufactured chemicals come on down

     Cancer is a big no, no.  Methylparaben is a preservative.  Prolonging shelf stability, it wins its award and flies under the wire to our mouths.  However, my question stands… When chemicals such as these are mixed and heated in our kitchens, do they react forming new compounds?

     So, I stand in the aisle.  I take a little more time.  If the label looks freaky, I look for another suitable substitute.  Shelf stable bacon?  Haven't tried it.

     The pure Word I have not turned from.  Even when its interpretation was questionable, I trusted the overlooking of the benevolent Father.  Put not your faith in man.  He is able to fail.  God, on the other hand, does not rely on congress to pass His bills of health.  Bon Appetit!   


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