The Just Shall Live By Faith
The Just Shall Live By Faith
“Show me your faith without works, and I’ll
show you my faith by my works.” Yah, he
was a famous guy. Both the one who said
it and the one who lived it. Abraham
offered his son. Rahab hid the
spies. Noah built his ark. The proof was in the pudding and the writer
of James wanted us to know we have to put wheels on our faith if it is to be
good for anything.
Oh, you believe in God? Even the devils believe, and tremble. So, it is not enough to confess, “I believe
in God.” Our actions have to prove
it. But how do we in the Twenty-first century
live it out? When money is a safety and
our society knows order, we walk a similar walk of the world. How do we stand out? Wreckless living.
To love without expecting return. And again, to love without expecting
return. This world is based on merit, giving
only when it can get back. An IRA is
only good if it provides a secured return.
CD’s and mutual funds gain and pay interest then dividends. So, what if we give and expect nothing back?
We as sons and daughters of God know the source of all good things. He is the ever loving hand, willing to bless
and hold nothing back. If God loves a
cheerful giver, then He loves when His children act the same. He also is a compassionate God. Now here is where the two train tracks meet.
Money is a great easy. With it we move resources rather easily about
our society. Value is assessed and
fixed. Property is exchanged by signing
a note. Fairness is guaranteed when both
parties walk away happy. But what
happens when the scales are tipped? When
compassion comes calling and the giver outweighs the gift?
“Do not let your left hand know what your right
hand is doing. Give in secret that the
Father may reward you openly.”
The one who has called us to compassion,
who has led us to see need, gives us a choice.
Pain involves sacrifice. To give
up comfort that one may abound, that is the Jesus way. Quite often we want to hold tight and hoard
in fear of release. The future threatens
when we are ungrounded.
Fear clutches as a bird of prey. Piercing a blessing, blood runs and its
stabbing thrust is skewered upon our claws.
Not the picture our God wants.
Freely received, freely
give. Faith comes when we trust Him to
fill again. By faith we are justified,
and by faith we will bless this world.
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