What God Says About Beer
What God Says About Beer
Not a lot.
I mean, Budweiser is not in my Bible. What did He say about Bacardi mixers? Was God ignorant of present man’s inventions
of alcohol? Maybe all could be summed up
with this command. “Keep your brain.”
Crack and meth are seen as bad boys. Their ability to alter the mind are immediate
and severe. Hence, the government steps
in to regulate by forbidding. Alcohol,
on the other hand, is permitted as a balancing act.
Prohibition was not a success. It just showed people are willing to fight,
and pay for, the right to cruise about society in gatherings. Face it, people have a lot of fun and lay
down many burdens at the doors of pubs and bars. So, does God have a beef with the barley?
He has given us our minds as command
centers. Choices we make involve action. Action results in consequences either good or
bad. Like traffic control towers,
monitoring screens strobe in circular updates.
“Be sober,” He says. “I have permitted
many things, but do they benefit?”
Do we ever have safe times? Jesus made wine. It was in a wedding situation. Alcohol played a part. “Wine gladdens a heart,” He says. He also says not to be blinded by it. Elders are not to be given to wine or not
mastered by it. That may be the key.
We govern our bodies with many things
beating them into submission. Whether Sudafed
or Excedrin, we tweak them to what feels better. OTC’s are legally provided to relieve us from
Do we drink to get away from pain? That’d be a psychological addiction.
Do we drink to have fun? That might be a social addiction.
But can’t we responsibly sit and dine with
a good glass of vino? Maturity, focus,
and self-control enter into all this.
Alcohol alters mood, true. It
also is a celebratory drink tying couples together. But how central is it to the bonding? If no booze were involved, would we still
have a date?
Alcohol is a legal drug. That doesn’t make it right. We Christians are not to let the government be
our moral guide. Still, in this case,
our governing body just happens to agree with our alcohol permitting
stance. In other countries, this may not
be so.
What’s God say about booze? I know He says for it not to be divisive. Principles of the weaker brother may require
the bottle to be hidden when guests appear.
Our liberty shall not cause our brother to stumble. If we have a good conscience before God to
sip a pleasant bit of Jack, then our faith we keep to ourselves privately. In other words, He has declared all foods
good. We are not to be condemned by what
we put in our mouths. The things that
come out of our mouths defile us.
So, the question being. Whatever we put in our mouths, does it
incline us to slight our words?
Caffeine, meth, sugar, alcohol.
They share an equal plane. God
calls to maturity and self-control. He
also is an individual God guiding each child uniquely. Alcohol is the blessed gray area where God can
meet us and explain His will for us.
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