Who She Was


Who She Was

     Marsha Jan Helgerson.  Born January 31, 1948.  For those who come after me, I seek to honor my mother as scripture commands.  But for me, it is not hard to do.

     I have affectionate memories of my mother.  She was of the nurturing type, careful and supportive, gentle with hand and soft spoken to me her only son.

     I wish you could have met her here.  I think she would be proud of you.  Daughters that grow up to be fine women and sons that mature to be handsome in stature.

     Many birthday parties and holidays, her presence was missed.  I am sad to say her wisdom was lost, never given a voice nor a pen.  Pictures only tell of her acquaintances.  Caught between pages on the shelf, memories are infrequently unfolded.

     We have the responsibility to rehearse her character now, but my mind fades as my sister has passed and my father ages.

     Like my pastor has said, we will forget.  However, her influence is felt as induction to the subsequent generations.  She truly lives through me.  Her desires were imprinted upon my soul at a young age.  I sense I am a different man because of her efforts.

     I will see her again.  I am her little “Cor.”  Because of Jesus, I have this promise.


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