Strike The Day


Strike The Day

     The day is like an egg.  If you try to crush it in the palm of your hand, the shell will resist the even force.  However, if you strike the egg on the edge of a pan, its insides will pour out.  Such with the day.

     Routine can envelope us.  Trudging through the usual schedule, our minds wonder if we could tackle another hurdle.  Do we have that fighting spirit within us?  Are we able to overcome?  Today is yesterday’s careful forethought.  Tomorrow is the path of least resistance.  Next week falls off the calendar in boredom.

     Strike the day!  Do something different.  Take a left, see the sights, and wonder at the new.  Do the goofy and mix it up.  Challenge your mind to solve change.  In so doing, you rock the boat.  You become a fresh breeze to those about.

Romans 10:15b “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

     Sometimes a whistle precedes those walking with the Lord.  With every new thing He shows, His children are in awe.

Revelation 21:5a And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.  And

Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

     Adventure will not come asking.  You must look for it beating the hedgerow and calling loudly.  Assert your presence in the day and don’t be afraid to break a few eggs.


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