The Function Of The Local Church


The Function Of The Local Church

     Bible study, ugh!  Another Bible study.  Don’t we get sick of Bible studies?  How many times coach must we rehearse the plays in the locker room before we hit the field?  As if, has anyone invited the opposing team yet?  On and off.  On and off. We practice donning our jerseys.  Finally, we get exhausted then head to the showers.  Well, at least we get clean.

     So is the function of the local church when it has no function.  F(x) in the mathematical world means you put ‘x’ into the equation and get a subsequent ‘y’ outcome.  But, you have to shove ‘x’ in for the statement to work.  Shoving takes effort.  Do the math.  Balance the equation.

     The Lord commands us to do the math. With every church He gives a problem.  “Have I not placed you where ministry can abound?”  There is always need.  There is always work to be done.  Surely He says to disciple.  Getting one’s hands busy is a good way.

Deuteronomy 6:And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

     God told the Israelites to take their Bible study on the road.  “Work with your children and teach them My ways.”  ‘Sign upon thy hand’ – get busy.  ‘frontlets between thine eyes’ – get it in your head.  God says by exercising the hands, the mind follows.

     So how do we effectively disciple in our local church?  Get busy.  Put wheels on love.  Slip in a bit of scripture here and there as we work the soup kitchen.  As we scoop the elderly’s walk.  As we plumb the new edition.  As we perform the tasks He has called us to.

     The local church is a great way to amass manpower.  Get the guys together and conquer!  Get the gals together and support with food!  Everyone understands the common language of good food.  Let the men make all the noise while the women comfort the belly.  Not to be partial but role division and specialty enhance efficiency.

Exodus 12:51 And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.

     He called Israel an army.  What does He call us?  He has given elders and deacons as an authority structure.  In submitting to their leadership, we can come into a church and get to work.  With every congregation there should be vision.  “What are we gathered for?”  “Do we have a purpose?”  Again, specialty on this level focuses people to project.

     Without function in the American church, what do we find?  Big brother picks up the tab and gets the glory.  In times of need, FEMA’s hands get busy and make the local news while the church sleeps.  Suddenly we rely on the government to bail us out.  This is not good.

     The function of the local church is to disciple and this is done by doing.


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