What I Don't Have
What I Don’t Have Spiritual leprosy I don’t have. Neither do I detect it in ones that are close to me. Call it a blessing that the apple has fallen far from my mother’s tree. In that, perversion in a running down a crooked gravel road has not bloodied our souls. A mother has a special bond with her son. I enjoy intimacy with my daughters and daughters-in-law. Intimacy in such a way as they know me. They detect my spirit and respect my movements about them. In this mutual adherence to God’s law, we enjoy freedom to move. Negating boundaries results in stickiness. Inordinance with respect to gender expression confuses the little ones as they look up to truth. Spiritual leprosy I don’t have. I knew a man who died of AIDS. Not a friendly disease. God does say the ones who run that race will get their reward. Dancin...