What I Need


What I Need

     Kickstart the Harley.  It’s a cold morning out these windows.  Grandpa’s fuel has gotta pop if his keister is gonna go.  So I wait.

John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

     God’s will fueled Jesus’ tank.  Vision shown and purpose realized, He launched out.  Carrying Him out of the confines and into the streets, another day of telling it like it was.  What He saw His Father doing, He simply walked out in it.

     Is God preparing my way today?  More than simply existing, will I impact sending His influence streaming out?  Little ones surround my feet.  Others steer about me.  I make decisions and guide accordingly.  If I have no purpose to this day, I might as well not rise from this chair.

     An understanding, Lord.  Give me the target.  Head this arrow where You want the mark.  When time and ability define reality’s frame, duty calls.  So much more…

     What I do counts when I understand His calling.  As a B-52 turning on the runway, You got my engines going. Head me into the wind and light the burners.  Without Your given aim, my hand rests on the throttle.

     The problem with a purpose-driven life is that it takes revelation.  New ideas and new direction for each day.  That is what living step by step looks like.

     Where’s the King James?  Will I meet Him there?  Sticking these eyes open with coffee caffeine and meds, heavy metal to my ears preach “Go!”  Will I dine on the Manna given?  Forget this laptop.  I’m heading for my Father for I cannot make sense of this day.


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