
Showing posts from March, 2024

God's Successive Revelations

  God’s Successive Revelations Search Me diligently, and I will reveal Myself to you.      Yah, that sound like something God would say.   I understand He revealed the Trinity to us.   I plead ignorance in Church history.   Some theologians, perhaps 400 A.D. came upon this gem that we hold true today.   The idea of the rapture is new on the Church radar.   Late 1800’s?      What if God revealed His truth to His people in time?   Surely, Solomon was the wisest man in his day, but did he know about Pentecost?   Daniel, the far seer, was only shown glimpses.   What did he know of Peter and miracles in the temple?   A certain king discovered God’s truth again and that made for a reformation, but what did he know of the beast standing in the sea?   God gives insight in His time.      I have trained seven children.   As young  children, I did not flood them with instructions on the gas and the brake pedal.   Did they need to know the business of IRA’s and mutual funds when sucking on

Believe in What?

  Believe in What? Galatians 3                                                                                                      March 29, 2024 Abraham believed and it was accounted to him righteousness. To believe is to accept something is true.   When I say that I believe in the evolution of Man in respect to his origin, I accept the idea as true.   When I believe my cat has a psychic link with the goldfish in my aquarium, I accept that idea as true.   When I say I believe in God, whoa, that’s another story.   For when I say God , that’s the whole package.   All of God Who is revealed.      It’s not like saying, “I believe the representative form of government that the U.S. works is superior.”   I am not making a judgment call here when I believe God.   To believe is to accept all He has ever said about Himself as true.   Entirely.      In Abraham’s case, he was called out of idolatry.   He put his understanding onto the One true God.   God’s successive revelations to hi

Charity and Lasagna

  Charity and Lasagna   1 Corinthians 13:5-6                                                                                      March 28, 2024        My birthday is April 2.   I will be 54.   I want lasagna for my party.      To give you a background, I have 7 children and over 10 grandchildren.   Our family started living in this house in 2000.   We have celebrated over 200 birthdays in this dining room.   I want my wife’s lasagna.   Is that too much to ask?   I think this scenario can describe Charity. Charity - generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering   Charity talks about the reason for the good works we do.   Also in the manner in which we do them.   So, I walk this out: Charity “Doth not behave itself unseemly,” When I ask into the kitchen if the lasagna is done yet, she doesn’t return with, “Duh!   I’m not the only one who can read the clock.” Charity , “…seeketh not her own,”   Geeze Hon, you spent a half hour making my food but y

Jesus has an Attitude

Jesus Has an Attitude   Matthew 11:20-30                                                                                          March 27, 20204        “Whoa there boy!  I say, I say, let’s just wait a minute.  Got to prepare yer self.  Don’t jist go runnin’ in.”      Foghorn Leghorn reminds me of our Lord.  I thought Jesus was the door.  The door to what?  The door to the Father.  If Jesus is the door, then He is a bit picky.  “I say child, don’t just run into My Father’s presence.  You know God is light.”      On You Tube a man was melting a brick with light.  He used a focusing lens to gather the sun’s light.  Wouldn’t want to be that brick!  I think he called it the “Death Ray.”  Yah.      God’s a whole lot more dangerous than that.  Matthew 11:20  “ Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not : ”      Ouch!  Girls, and some guys, ever had your hair “upbraided?”  It’s when the one braiding your hair pu

This Church Age

  This Church Age Genesis 1:28  “ And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. ”        This is the divine command.   This drives Man.   In this mandate, we find the goals God has purposed for us.   We, the people!   Correct.   Governments and bodies of men are to launch out.     They are to facilitate men who strive for God’s priorities.   They are to help.   If not, they fall.   God sees to it.      So what happened at the cross? Colossians 2:15  “ And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. ”      Since the fall, Adam handed his weapon over to Satan.   In effect, he armed the rebellion to fight in this physical world.   From Adam to Jesus, we see Satan overtly engaged in the affairs of rulers.   Yes, we have ruthless

Fear, Conflict Resolution, Marriage

  Fear, Conflict Resolution, Marriage   Genesis 20:11  “ And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake.”      For Abraham, his relationship with Sarah was at stake.   “Because the fear of God was not in that place,” he thought.      Fear does wonderful things.   Jesus fears His Father, right?   Somehow in the Godhead, authority is recognized.   Jesus is accountable to God.   Likewise we are accountable to Christ.   So, fear is great.   It keeps people’s heads on straight.      Two great covenants exist.   A man with his God and a man with his wife.   What upholds these “agreements?”   Fear.       I have to answer to someone for my actions.        Wow, what a statement!   You mean I cannot do I as please?   Even if the law gives freedom and conscience convicts not, ultimately one stands before the Almighty who has the right to judge.       In this case, God hates divorce.   It wraps one in

Intellect Doesn't Draw Them

Intellect Doesn't Draw Them        “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”      Right.  Can you tell me what five-year-old kid understands that?  First, God who?  Really, what are all His characteristics?  Love?  What’s love?  1 Corinthians 13 love.  Who explains that to a five-year-old?  World?  Dirt and water?  What does God have do to with mud?  And it goes on.  I would say a lot of adults don’t understand this verse, yet we pump it into the Sunday school class with eyes wide open and minds receptive.  Why?  Because God said it and it is truth.      But the child does not come to Christ that way.  It is not through a series of memory verses.  On the contrary, like a wild beast he is only concerned with self-preservation.  In the nursery, we do not have to tell him to stop hugging or to refrain from showing affection.  Even an overflowing of thanksgiving we do not notice. 

Girls are Different than Boys

  Girls are Different than Boys        My name is Cory Cvrk.   I have been married over thirty years.   I am the husband of one wife.   Between us, we have raised and trained seven children, three boys and four girls.   We have seen them to their “maturity” of eighteen years then out of the nest they flew.   Currently, they have born us over ten grandchildren.   I have witnessed.      I have witnessed the masculine and the feminine spirit.   Men in their calling, women in theirs.   Women as nurturers, men as pruners.   Women in “let’s keep the peace and stay together” and men as “if we need to divide over differences, so be it.”   Men to conquer and protect.   Women to enjoy the powers that be over their heads.      I have seen women as global thinkers.   Able to bounce babies, cook lunch, and talk on the phone at the same time.   I have seen men zero in on their interests and specialize in their accomplishments.      I am writing this this morning because I see my granddaugh